Deos Small business mobile web package

regular price $2,750

Special Promotional Price!


♦ Up to 5 Pages

♦ Mobile-Friendly Responsive Design

♦ Custom Homepage

♦ Branded Graphics

♦ Basic Information Pages

♦ Contact Form

♦ Social Media Buttons

♦ Limited Stock Photography (up to 5)

♦ Embed Your Video (1)

♦ Site Testing & Debugging

Why Should I Update My Website?

A well designed and responsive website can improve your business’ credibility and its performance. You can reach new customers with ease and it may help to increase your overall sales. It’s invaluable to have your business be accessible 24 hours a day without having an employee on call. Grow your brand and build trust with consumers by having a reliable responsive website. Learn about your customers’ wants & needs with the included analytics we provide you. Our team ensures you have intelligent dynamic elements and micro interactions, so consumers will stay engaged in your business longer which can increase your SEO ranking as well as conversion rates.

Still wondering if our webservice can help your business grow? Check out some of these website facts!

Be Seen

Over 5.5 billion Google searches are made every day. Being in the first position in Google will result in a click through rate of 34.36 percent for desktop computers and a click through rate of 31.35 percent for mobile devices.

More and more studies reveal the ROBO effect, where customers are researching online before buying offline. They search for their needs and look at the companies that appear. If you don’t have a Web presence, there’s no chance of you showing up and you miss all of these potential sales.

Having a website is a guarantee that your business will be reachable to thousands and millions of consumers. 36% of clients prefer to deal with businesses that have websites. By contrast, only 21% will work with businesses without websites.

Of the 7.4 Billion people in the world, 3.74 Billion people or 47% are online every day.

Responsive Web Design

Having a Website be mobile responsive is a huge benefit. Today there are an estimated 2.3 Billion smartphones worldwide. But in 2020, the total number of smartphones is expected to hit 6.1 Billion. Here are some mobile internet facts:

  • There are more mobile Internet users than desktop Internet users.
  • There are 3.5 billion global mobile Internet users.
  • Mobile commerce revenue was $170 billion in 2016, and it is estimated to be $694 billion by 2019.
  • Of the 2.79 billion active social media users in the world, 2.55 billion of them actively use their mobile devices for social media-related activities.
  • Mobile traffic is responsible for 52.21 percent of internet traffic.
  • By 2020, mobile commerce will account for 45 percent of all e-commerce activities — compared to 20.6 percent in 2016.
  • Mobile ad spend is expected to represent 72 percent of all digital ad spend in the U.S. by 2019.
  • 82 percent of people use their smartphones to research purchases they are about to make in a store.

Dynamic UX

Of all the interactive elements you might design into a webpage, animations particularly stand out. Over 70% of a customer’s journey with a small business now happens online in a “self-service” capacity. 90% of consumers today expect a website to have interactive self-service components. Doesn’t matter if your big tech company or small business, having a well crafted interactive experience should be a top priority and we can do that for you!

Here are some facts about interactive websites:

  • Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than passive content.
  • 88% of marketers say interactive content differentiates them from their competitors (Business2Community).
  • Interactive content generates 4-5x more pageviews than static content.
  • 93% said interactive content is very effective at educating the buyer, versus just 70% for static content.
  • 88% of B2B marketers said at least 10-30% of their content would be interactive by 2018.
    • 99% ramped up or sustained their use of interactive content between 2015 and 2016. And looks set to continue into 2018.
  • 79% of marketers agree interactive content has reusable value, resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposures.
  • 91% of B2B buyers prefer to consume interactive and visual content.

Interactive sites also increase your site authority with Google. An interactive webpage improves Google’s perception of your site.
Google needs to see that you provide a great user experience to reward you with first page visibility.
Interactive elements show Google what it needs to see by these:

  • Increase dwell time — People stay on a page longer
  • Reduce bounce rate — People leave your page without clicking
  • Generate more traffic through referrals, shares, and people directly visiting your website

When you provide an interactive user experience, Google notices and rewards your site with a higher position. This drives even more traffic through searches.

Business Credibility

A website identifies your business, brand and legitimizes you. 84% of consumers believe that having a website makes a business more credible. This platform gives you a place to speak to your customers through various methods we can set up and walk you through. A big one is blogging.

  • Blogging –  The cornerstone of the content marketing process with direct benefits to your business. Check out these facts:
    • Websites with a blog have 434% more indexed pages.
    • 47% of buyers read 3 to 5 blogs before engaging a sales rep.
    • 61% of consumers report a blog influenced their decision to buy.
    • Over 2 million blog posts are published on the Internet every day.

Today’s customers are looking at your website and your social presence when they research a small business. They need to know that you’re stable enough to have a dedicated Web presence. That you’ll be around tomorrow should something go wrong. By creating a website, you set up shop on the Internet and show customers that this is where they can come to find information about you, to read articles that you’ve written and to learn more about your company. All of these things build authority for your business.

Business & Brand Growth

The website is the most effective and efficient way to build and professionalize your brand:
• It places your branded value proposition front and center in the Home page.
• Website optimization techniques can help Internet users find your brand.
• It can be distributed seamlessly through various online channels.
• A professionally made website shows you are serious about your business.

If you want an effective website or one that can help you take your business to another level, you have to be prepared to invest in one. A website is not an expense. It is an investment because you should expect a return on your money within a period of time.

eCommerce Market Expansion

A website is an active and passive tool for generating income because it is exit point in the sales funnel. The e-commerce industry is responsible for about $2 trillion in annual sales.

  • $0.56 of every dollar spent in an offline store is influenced by a digital interaction.
  • People spend an average of 5 hours per week shopping online.
  • 95 percent of Americans shop online at least yearly.

Flexible Advertising

Online marketing is faster, more efficient and inexpensive compared to traditional marketing. However without a website, these techniques fall short.
Among the most popular online marketing tools that you can use to create inbound traffic to your website:
• Social Media – Of the 3.5 Billion people online every day, 2.34 Billion or 67% are on social media.
• Blogging – Companies that blogged 16 times a month received 4.5 times more leads than those that blogged 0-4 posts per month.
• E-mail Marketing – E-mail marketing is 40 times more effective in acquiring customers than Facebook.
• Use Videos – Embed a video on your Home page. A video can deliver your messaging content faster and more efficiently than text. Video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%.

We can walk you through, setup, and even manage these for you, contact us for more info.

Learn About Your Customers

By using analytics, your website will provide you valuable data on how your business has been moving within a period of time. Key indicators of business performance include the following metrics:

  • Number of visitors going to your website.
  • Number of “unique visitors” or those who visit your website only once.
  • Page views or impressions tell how many times a page has been read or visited. This will give you an idea on which type of content visitors find interesting.
  • Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your website without exploring past the page they landed on.
  • Average time on site will show how long visitors view your content. The longer the average time on site, the better for your website.

We will help you set this up as part of our web package!

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